If you are looking for good skin care oils online, you will certainly find the most praiseworthy articles about olive oil.
Olive oil is a favorite of home cosmetics. I have often wondered why olive oil is to be used for the manufacture of cosmetics. It is dark in color, with strong odors and is not well absorbed by the skin. Olive oil is very healthy for the body. It has a lot of essential oil that the body needs. There is not much oil in oil as much as in olive oil. Olive oil also has plenty of flavonoids as well as antioxidants that are very useful for promoting health. I believe that the reason for the popularity of olive oil is precisely this. Olive oil is considered very healthy. However, a healthy body does not necessarily mean healthy skin.
I will tell you why the use of olive oil as a incredient of home cosmetics should be treated with caution
Olive oil is advertised with a very large budget. Olive oil tells a lot of positive things and neglects the negative qualities. Although olive oil is very healthy, it still does not fit into everything. Olives are produced in a temperate zone in many countries. It is a major source of income for many rugged areas. The sale and use of olive oil are therefore promoted by many parties.
Olive oil is one of the more persistent oils. Many people like olive oil in the refrigerator, even though it is superfluous. It is enough to keep the oil in a dark glass bottle and protect it from light. If you have normal room temperature below 25 degrees, there is no reason to keep olive oil in the refrigerator. It is very rich in antioxidants, and the olive oil contained in the olive oil is not very sensitive. Generally, olive oil remains in good quality for two years from pressing. Thanks to its durability, olive oil is added to almost all cosmetics. Olive oil has been created as an industrial ointment that should remain unchanged on the store shelves for years.

Can make good home cosmetics from olive oil
I want to tell you a few facts about olive oil as a incredient for cosmetics. You’ve certainly tried it yourself or have finished olive oil-based products. You’ve definitely paid attention to the long-term absorption of olive oil. The oil may be rubbed for a long time before it is absorbed. Although the skin will be wetted carefully and open pores with steam, olive oil will easily get to the surface.
Olive oil contains fatty acids that are not the best for the skin. Olive oil fatty acids are not readily absorbed into the skin but often remain on the skin. Especially the surface dry skin should never be used with olive oil.
Olive oil maybe cause problems for oily skin
If your problem is pimple, unclean skin or even acne, olive oil can make your skin worse. Olive oil contains a substance called squalene, which has been found to be associated with acne and skin impurities. So, using olive oil-based products, you can make your skin bloom even though it has been healthy in the past.
Oliiviöljy tekee ihosi ihosta niin tahmean, että se pysyy huokosissa ja lopulta estää ne. Rasva kerää myös kuolleita ihosoluja ja aiheuttaa mustapäitä. Luonnollisesti iho voi tukkeutua monista muista syistä, mutta on suositeltavaa tarkistaa oliiviöljytuotteet tällaisissa tapauksissa.
Olive oil to dry skin
If your problem is dry skin, no olive oil is the preferred skin oil. Dry skin does not allow olive oil to be absorbed into the deepest layers. Oil remains on the skin surface of the pores of the logs and causes skin problems.
Never use olive oil in skin care for babies. Allergic reactions are very common when using olive oil. Especially when you use extra virgin olive oil that contains a lot of plant chemicals, allergic reactions are very possible.
Which cosmetics olive oil fits
Olive oil has a lot of ingredients to prevent aging. Many antioxidants in olive oil counteract oxidation reactions in the cells and thus affect the youthfulness of the skin.
You can try olive oil in body products. Especially rinse-off products such as peeling creams and detergents and soaps are among the best uses for olive oil. I would not recommend the production of facial products for olive oil at all.
Herbal lotions prepared by herbal therapists are often made in olive oil. This will give the creams a long shelf life. Treating creams are generally prepared as ointments or anhydrous ointments. They use plant oil changes. It is good to prepare an oil extract for olive oil, which does not so easily soak. The same oil change can be used for almost two years if the oil is fresh and cold-pressed. This is a great advantage for the ointment manufacturer.
How to choose the right olive oil from many options
There are countless brands of olive oil. The largest producing countries are Italy and Spain. Greece also has some very good quality olive oil.
Because olive oil is a very important export article in many different countries, it is also the world’s second-largest counterfeit food. The most fake wines. Italy, in particular, has excelled in the falsification of olive oil. Fortify olive oil by mixing with other oils. Scams are also made by selling ordinary olive oil cold-pressed or organic.
I personally tend to favor Greek olive oils. They are of high quality and are generally not counterfeit. You should also try Spanish olive oil. Italian olive oils can be used if you are absolutely sure of the quality of the oil.
Cold-pressed olive oil is the only right olive oil for body care products and washable masks and peelers. The cold pressing method retains the virtually unchanged olives in the oil. When making olive oil soap, the oil does not have to be cold pressed. Many cold-pressed olive oils are also organic. Organic cultivation ensures that there are no residues of plant protection products in the final product.

Try ozonized olive oil
There is also ozone oil. Its name is often sworn today. Ozonized olive oil is designed as a treating oil. It is very expensive and is not usually used as a base for ointments.
Many have benefited from their oily olive oil from their skin problems. You should try it. I myself do not really have experience with this product. Ozonized olive oil is an antimicrobial product that heals and rejuvenates the skin. It can treat pimples, small bruises, nail fungi (!), Wet head (!!!) and herpes (!!!!). A timeless product.
If you have experience with ozonized olive oil, please tell me.
Since olive oil is such a controversial product, I would really like to hear where you are using olive oil yourself. Can you use olive oil on your own skin without problems?